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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Cooling off in His Secret Spot

Here’s my Beach Buddy Bruce, aka YouTube’s Oceanside Trenchcoat Guy. I filmed this video when we were hanging out at the beach on a recent Sunday morning.

Bruce is a well-known Oceanside, California, beach personality. He’s been splashing in the water wearing a trench coat for about five years. He’s been filmed, photographed, and/or interviewed, most likely by hundreds of people, including Channel 8 San Diego’s own feature reporter Jeff Zevely who spotlighted Bruce during a Zevely’s Zone interview in August 2017.

Yes, a man walking into the ocean while wearing a trench coat is an unusual, sometimes even concerning, sight. Tourists have called 911 on him several times, only to be assured that that’s Bruce and he’s okay.

Bruce is well-liked and respected by the locals and tourists who have taken the time to get to know him. People admire him for having the courage to do what makes him happy. Oceanside residents and former residents look forward to seeing the live videos he films almost every day.

In addition to posting live videos on an Oceanside community Facebook page and posting GoPro videos on his YouTube channel, Bruce also posts short videos and photos on Instagram. At last count, he has more than 4,000 people following him there.

One day, but probably not soon, I’ll post “Knock Me Over,” the first video I filmed of Bruce. I did that two years ago, on a wild night in June, when the angry sea continually catapulted water and rocks onto and across the Strand, causing the powers-that- be to close the street.
[Note: I've blogged about my Beach Buddy on Blogger before. To learn more about him, read my September 7, 2016 post.]

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