My Bio

Sunday, March 25, 2007


This is just another example of someone not proofreading his or her work.

We recently received our latest rental agreement. As of April 1, we’re on a month to month basis—again.

By some miracle, the first rental agreement we received from the new owners did not raise the rent. The second one, a few months later, was for a five-month lease that raised the rent by sixty dollars a month. It seemed like a big increase; however, during the past six or seven years, our rent had been raised by only five dollars a month each year. Not a bad deal for a decent place to live in a city of this size.

The latest agreement raised the rent by another fifty dollars.

Well, at least that was the intention. The agreement didn't read quite like that. Instead of typing in the right amount, some distracted office clerk typed in the rate as $6275.00 a month.