My Bio

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Still Here but Still Busy

I’ve just completed an online class in PowerPoint. The material got rather technical after the first few lessons. All I wanted to do was to learn the basics, which I think I have.

I’ve decided to take a hiatus from online learning for at least a month. Next time, I think I’ll take an online class in writing —résumé writing, that is. I’m not looking for another job, but I think I can help people who are looking for a job. Taking the class will be a first step in that direction.

Not that I don’t already know a few things about writing résumés. Years ago, some friends and I sponsored a résumé writing workshop after many people were laid off from their jobs at our former place of employment. Unfortunately, we held the workshop on the Saturday before Memorial Day. Only six people showed up. Three were from the same household.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Checking in - July

I've been busy during the last few weeks. In addition to going to work every day, I've been participating in three overlapping noncredit online classes and a writing workshop.

I've just completed my online Grammar Refresher class. I scored 100 percent on the final exam. I would have felt like a failure with anything less than that. I guess I'm just a perfectionist. I'm also a former English major and a writer (with a day job as an editor).

I wasn't so happy about my final grade in the Excel class, which was 93 percent, mainly because I didn't do much reviewing before completing the final exam.

The short story workshop I participated in ended last week. I finally read my story, well at least part of it. Why did I read only part of it? That's another story that I'm sure will appear in this space sometime in the future.