Wednesday, December 03, 2014
NaNoWriMo is Over for 2014
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Started in the Library, Ended in the Street
Friday, September 05, 2014
My First Day of School Wasn't That Exciting
Friday, August 22, 2014
Mystery Novels Can Be Hazardous to Your Sleep
And then I woke up.
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
I Was a 4-H Dropout
I told my mother I wanted to drop out of 4-H. She was all for it. At that point, I guess Mom finally realized that sewing probably wasn’t going to be one of my talents. And, anyway, Mom said she was “done standing over me to get me to finish anything.”
Friday, July 18, 2014
Camels and Zebras and Llamas, Oh My!
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Confessions of a Dollar Store Junkie
Thursday, June 19, 2014
No More NOOK Tablets for Me
Friday, June 06, 2014
A Couple of Things That Annoy Me
Although I can’t imagine life without it, I’m trying to limit my time on the Internet because, well, it's addictive. I need to get other things done, things such as writing, editing, running errands, or maybe actually doing some housework.
And I will not “share” any posts that appear on my newsfeed if the sole purpose for posting or sharing that information seems to be an opportunity to spew nasty, even cruel, remarks about someone or something and/or to deliberately (yes, I split an infinitive) encourage people to snark at each other over some controversial or pseudo-controversial issue.
Likewise, I am beyond tired of logging into Facebook only to find ads from companies or nonprofit organizations popping up all over my newsfeed. The people posting these ads are directly invading my cyberspace. Their posts are not something that FB friends have shared.
These maverick ads are obnoxious intrusions that clutter my newsfeed. They include pitches for mobile pet grooming, online classes, pork chops (yes, really) and many other products or services that I’m not even remotely interested in. I didn’t “like” these pages. I have never heard of most of these businesses, and I don’t want to see their ads on my newsfeed. And, yes, I know how to get rid of them, and I do.
But they are sooooo annoying.
[Note: This blog post was written in basic html. Hope it looks presentable on various browsers.]
Friday, May 30, 2014
That Bracelet Was Definitely Overpriced
Thursday, May 15, 2014
The Sprinter: Back on Track
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Screaming Preschoolers and Dismembered Dummies
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Cell Phones Are Here to Stay, But . . .
Most of my friends and family members had cell phones well before the end of the last century. I wasn’t convinced that I needed a cell phone until the middle of September 2001. While I think that I someday might trade up to a much smarter phone, I currently have a slightly upgraded pay-as-you-go phone for convenience and security reasons.
When I answer my cell phone in a public place, I keep the conversations short and discreet. If I should ever need to discuss an urgent personal issue on the cell, I'll go to a place where I think the fewest number of people will be able to hear my side of the conversation.
I don't understand why so many people seem to think it's okay to loudly discuss very personal issues on their cell phones while they are shopping, traveling on public transportation, or having lunch at a restaurant. I'm sorry about the crappy way their lives seem to be going, but I really don’t want to listen to what should be private phone conversations about their problems with work, finances, family members, the legal system, or the next door neighbor's cat.
And if I should, perchance, make eye contact with the gabbers, they shoot me a look that would kill a zombie. Hey, if they’re loudly yakking about it in public, it's not private.
And if their conversations are that interesting, I might take notes.