I was seventeen, I got the bright idea to get a job.
A new discount
department store had opened in the city where I went to high school. Although I
had never worked before, I figured I could get a job doing something there. I
planned to save money, buy a car, and get my ex-boyfriend back.
liked cars.
things didn’t work out as planned.
one thing, being a student, I most likely would have had to work evenings. And,
oh yeah, I didn’t have a driver’s license. And the buses stopped traveling
through our small town after 6 p.m. Even if I had been hired and was able to
find transportation to and from work, I never would have been able to save
enough money to buy a car.
my boyfriend wouldn’t be coming back, either. He already was back with the girl
he had been dating since what seemed like the beginning of time. She had a job—and
a car.
I forgot about going to work until I was twenty.