My recent weekend in Mexico made me think of something
that happened when late Other Half and I lived in Tucson. Sometime in the 1980s,
I forgot exactly when, my non-drinker aunt went on a Caribbean cruise and
discovered Kahlua.
Ken and I traveled to New
England every year, in late August or early September. My aunt asked me to bring
her a bottle of Kahlua. The liqueur is made in Mexico, so she thought we could
get it cheaper in Arizona.
I knew we could get it even cheaper In Mexico, and I knew
who could help us do that. We had a friend who lived in the city, but her
family lived in a small town in the U.S., across from the international border.
So one Saturday, Ken and I and our friend, whom I’ll call “Maria,” made a trip
to Agua Prieta, Sonora, to buy a bottle of Kahlua.
First, we stopped at a shop on the U.S. side of the
border and changed about twelve dollars into pesos. Then we borrowed a car belonging
to Maria’s family, crossed the border, and went to a shop where Maria was
acquainted with the owner.
Maria did her best to persuade the owner to give us a
lower price, but he was having none of it. I really wanted the Kahlua, so I
reluctantly paid full price. I don’t remember what that was, but I do know that
it was less than I would have paid in the States.
When we crossed back into Arizona, Maria took a shortcut
down a dirt road. A pack of four or five stray dogs appeared out of nowhere and
ran in front of the car. Sadly, one of them didn’t make it to the other side of
the road. I freaked, but there was nothing we could do.
On the way home, we ran into a thunderstorm near St David.
I wanted to pull over to the side of the road and wait it out, but Ken vetoed
that suggestion. As we approached Benson, the storm worsened. Sheets of rain
and high winds pummeled the truck, making it difficult to see any vehicles in
front of us.
That’s when Ken decided to get off the road. He pulled
into a truck stop on the outskirts of Benson. We sat at the counter because a
lot of people apparently had the same idea Ken did. And there was a private
party going on in the dining room.
Shortly after we arrived, the power failed. The lights
blinked twice and went out. About a minute later, a woman in the dining room screamed.
Her scream was followed by a very loud crash. I figured someone had dropped a
tray loaded with glasses and dinnerware.
I turned to Maria and said, “I think somebody goosed the