When we moved
from Arizona, I thought my days of “rescuing” the newspaper were over. So not
true. I still have to take in the newspaper first thing in the morning, which
currently means around 5 a.m. These days, however, all I have to do is open the
door and pick it up—providing that it’s there, of course.
Arizona was a
different story. Prior to escaping from the desert heat, we spent almost
fourteen years living in a small apartment complex. Hoping to discourage door-to-door
solicitors and other perceived undesirables, The Powers That Be fenced in the
property around 2006. Until then, the newspaper delivery guy (NDG) dropped the newspaper
at our back door. After the fence went up, NDG was literally on the outside
looking in.
Other Half (OH)
was most unhappy. He just couldn’t do without his morning newspaper. So I
called the circulation office and told the customer service representative what
NDG would have to do in order to keep OH from cancelling his subscription. I
wasn’t too hopeful, but the CSR went for it, probably after considering the
decline in newspaper sales.
For the next four
or five years, each weekday morning around 6 a.m., NDG wheeled into the
unfenced part of the driveway, leaped out of his SUV, and lobbed the newspaper
over the exit gate where, I suspect, it ricocheted off the neighbor’s bedroom
Each weekday
morning around 6:15 a.m., I trudged out to the parking lot and picked up the newspaper.
On weekends, NDG had the courtesy to show up at 7 a.m., which was great,
because I had no intention of getting up early on those days to rescue a newspaper
that I suspected wasn’t worth the price of the subscription.
The newspaper
usually was right where it should be. But maybe ten or twelve times a year, it
went AWOL. Most of those times, I’m sure it wasn’t delivered for some legitimate
reason. Maybe NDG got sick halfway through the route, maybe he ran out of newspapers,
or maybe he was on vacation and the substitute NDG didn’t have a clue as to who
got a newspaper.
At other
times, I’m fairly certain that another tenant grabbed the newspaper. Why? Well,
some days I’d hear someone walking through the parking lot, or I’d hear a car
stop and a door slam before the car drove out of the yard. And then, when I
went out to pick up the newspaper, it wasn’t there.
When the newspaper
goes AWOL here, in the land of better weather, I figure it’s just an oversight
on the part of the current NDG. Maybe he’s on vacation. (I’m fairly sure it’s a he
because the newspaper is delivered around 4 a.m.) Or maybe he’s sick. Or
And, anyway,
this is a 55-plus apartment complex. I’d really like to believe that 55-plus persons
ceased pilfering newspapers years ago.
But then
again, who knows?